
Do you have an idea, a target, or a specific marketing need? I’m a marketing strategist and generalist focusing on the details. I listen and challenge. Both you and myself. No matter where you are in your marketing journey I’ll get on board. Work with me and you’ll soon notice that flexibility, efficiency, and passion are at the core of my business.

Content marketing | SEO – copy

Creating content that will engage, be read and seen is harder than you think. And that’s where I come in. I create content to strengthen your brand. And I optimize it for search engines (SEO). Whether you need words, images, or video.

Campaign launching

Do you need someone to launch your campaign on time, for the right budget, and without hiccups along the way? Having launched a dozen international campaigns simultaneously for brands like Netflix and Canon Europe mean I know how to nurse your campaign like a baby – from start to finish.

Brand marketing

Strategy, concept and production. It’s quite a puzzle to have sufficient time to do it all – and launch on time. Since I think strategically and long term and produce and launch campaigns swiftly and efficiently I will piece it together for you.

Social media management

Facebook is for older women; LinkedIn is a professional network and Snapchat is for the youth. Well, it’s not that simple but I would love to create campaigns for your social channels that are being read, appreciated, retweeted, shared, and liked. #GetInTouch!

PR | Publicity

Challenging to get the medias attention? Being a journalist myself and having worked for customers like the Washington Post and Al Jazeera I know what a journalist is looking for. For one of my customers my efforts generated publicity in BBC, The Guardian, and NPR. I’ll get you the interview you’ve been hoping for.

Sometimes you’re in a hurry and sometimes you need to plan for future needs. No matter the situation – get in touch.