
Customer: Netflix
Location: Copenhagen
Launch of the Netflix series Maniac in Scandinavia. A brain scanner measured the brain activity and emotions when watching something. This was the first time a brain scanner was ever used in a marketing campaign in Europe. The two Danish influencers Mette Lindberg and Simon Jul used the brain scanners and Netflix measured their reactions to the series Maniac.
Campaign: The theme was ”Maniac is a matter of perception” Print, influencer, and social media campaign in Denmark.
Creative agency:

Customer: Netflix
Location: Copenhagen
Launch of the series Disenchantment in Scandinavia.
Campaign: Event production, 3D-printing, social media campaign
Creative agency:

Leadership as a coach
Customer: Spiideo
Campaign: Content marketing where video and blog was created to highlight the topic how to handle your leadership role as a coach.
Creative work: I produced, filmed, and edited the film, took pictures, and wrote the blog.

Beyond the obvious
Customer: Canon Europe
Launch of two new DSLR cameras in 28 countries and in 28 languages (EMEA) This brochure was printed in 1 million copies for EMEA and used for placement in stores.
Campaign: In-store brochure, video production, and microsite.
Creative agency:

The Innocents
Customer: Netflix
Location: Oslo central station
Launch of the series The Innocents in Scandinavia.
Campaign: Print campaign (OOH), video production, production and installation of two-way mirrors. The film appear in the two-way mirrors when a person look into the mirror. These were the first mirrors of its kind ever created in Europe.

Visit Skåne
Customer: Tourism in Skåne
Location: Malmö
Launch of new website in German and English for Visit Skåne.
Campaign: Rebrand of Visit Skåne where I wrote explanatory articles and new design and photography were added.
Creative agency: Odd Hill

Customer: Fairfood
Location: Amsterdam
Campaign: Online launch of new website with this as the new visual identity.
Creative work: Vincenzo Vigliarolo

Behind every great woman…
Customer: Netflix
Location: Denmark.
Campaign: Launch of the final season of House of cards in Scandinavia.
Print and OOH campaign in Denmark.
Media agency: Wavemaker
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